Sunday, February 28, 2010


So it's been a while since a last post. That would be partly due to laziness on my part and... well yeah pretty much laziness. Sometimes the words come out as smooth as buttuh and other times it's more like the contents of the toilet this morning. Very loose and scattered.

Now on to more important subjects like what I want the world to hear from me today.  Actually, first, I'd like to tell a story. One Saturday night it was decided by a young college student and his girlfriend that they would order in for dinner. A nice Thai place with a vegetarian friendly menu was found close by. Being the ballsy idiot that the boy was, he decided to order the basil vegetable fried rice Very Spicy, which in terms of this restaurant was one less than the maximum spiciness level. Little did this boy know is that the owners of the restaurant decided to cast a spell on him. The effects of the spell he would learn of from the giant flames that burst from his asshole during his countless frequents to the lavatory.

K, great story, now back to real life, not that I know much about it. I think what I want to talk about is consequence. As tired as this sounds, I think it really makes sense. With every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. With every ingestion of heavily spiced food, there is a excretion of hell. Or maybe something like, "if you can't stand the heat, don't eat Thai food." Whatever your idiom, just remember that shit happens. 

Happy sharting,

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